How to Fix iPhone Stuck In Emergency SOS Mode [Fixed]

iPhone Stuck In SOS Mode: iPhones are known for their reliability, but every now and then, you might encounter an issue that leaves you scratching your head. One such perplexing problem is when your iPhone stuck in Emergency SOS mode. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re in need of regular network services. In this article, we’ll demystify this issue and provide you with step-by-step guidance on how to fix iPhone Stuck In SOS Mode.

How to Fix iPhone Stuck In SOS Mode
How to Fix iPhone Stuck In SOS Mode

Our aim here is simple – to offer you a conversational and user-friendly guide to resolve the vexing problem of an iPhone stuck in Emergency SOS mode. No jargon, no complex tech talk, just straightforward solutions that anyone can follow. So, let’s dive right in and get your iPhone back to its normal, fully functioning self!

iPhone Stuck in SOS Mode – Quick Fix:

If your iPhone is stuck in Emergency SOS mode, the quickest way to potentially resolve it is by restarting your device. Simply press and hold the power button (or the side button, depending on your iPhone model) until the “Slide to Power Off” slider appears. Swipe it to turn off your iPhone, wait for about 15 seconds, and then power it back on by pressing and holding the power button again. This simple restart often works like a charm and should get your iPhone out of SOS mode. If not, don’t worry; we’ve got more troubleshooting steps coming up to help you out.

How to Fix iPhone Stuck In Emergency SOS Mode: Step-by-Step Guide

iPhones, as remarkable as they are, can occasionally throw users a curveball by displaying the dreaded Emergency SOS mode. To tackle this issue effectively, it’s important to understand why it happens in the first place.

The Emergency SOS mode is primarily designed to assist users in urgent situations. When it activates, your iPhone is telling you that it doesn’t have a stable connection to your carrier’s network. In such situations, it prioritizes the ability to make emergency calls, ensuring you can reach out for help even when your regular network signal is weak or nonexistent.

How to Fix iPhone Stuck In SOS Mode
How to Fix iPhone Stuck In SOS Mode

This feature is incredibly useful when you’re in an area with poor network coverage. However, it becomes problematic when your iPhone stubbornly remains in Emergency SOS mode even when you should have a strong signal. This can occur due to a variety of reasons, including software glitches, network configuration issues, or even problems with your SIM card.

With this understanding, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the troubleshooting steps ahead and get your iPhone back to its usual self. Let’s move on to the practical solutions that will help you fix this inconvenience.

#1. Turn Airplane Mode On & Off

  • Step 1: Access the iPhone’s settings.
    • To begin troubleshooting, you’ll need to access your iPhone’s settings. Simply tap on the “Settings” app, which typically features a gearwheel icon.
  • Step 2: Toggle Airplane Mode on and off.
    • In the settings menu, scroll down to find “Airplane Mode.” It’s usually located near the top of the list. Tap on it to open the Airplane Mode settings.
    • Next, you’ll see a switch next to “Airplane Mode.” By turning this switch on, you effectively disconnect your iPhone from all wireless signals, including cellular data, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. Wait for a few seconds with Airplane Mode enabled.
    • Finally, toggle the switch back off to disable Airplane Mode.
How to Turn Airplane Mode On & Off
  • How this action can refresh the connection to the carrier’s network:
    • Enabling and disabling Airplane Mode acts as a quick refresh for your iPhone’s network connections. It effectively forces your device to reestablish a connection to your carrier’s network from scratch.
    • Sometimes, your iPhone may get stuck in Emergency SOS mode due to a momentary loss of signal or a minor network hiccup. This action can help your iPhone quickly find and connect to the available network signals, resolving the issue without much fuss.
    • Remember, it’s a simple yet powerful trick that often does the trick. However, if your iPhone continues to cling to Emergency SOS mode, we have more steps lined up to tackle the issue.

#2. Check Data Roaming Settings

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Cellular section in Settings.
    • In our quest to resolve the issue of your iPhone being stuck in Emergency SOS mode, the next stop is the “Cellular” settings. To access them, open your iPhone’s “Settings” app, and then tap on “Cellular.”
Data Roaming Settings iphone
Data Roaming Settings iphone
  • Step 2: Check and adjust Data Roaming settings if necessary.
    • Once you’re in the Cellular settings, scroll down to find the “Cellular Data Options” or simply “Cellular Data” (depending on your iOS version). Tap on this option to access more settings.
    • Here, you’ll encounter the crucial “Data Roaming” toggle. If this feature is enabled, your iPhone can connect to networks outside of your carrier’s coverage area, which is especially relevant when you’re traveling internationally.
    • However, data roaming can cause issues if it’s unintentionally turned on while you’re within your carrier’s coverage zone. It might lead to unexpected network conflicts and potentially trigger the Emergency SOS mode.
  • Explain when Data Roaming might be relevant and why it can cause issues:
    • Data Roaming is a handy feature when you’re traveling abroad, allowing you to use your phone’s data plan on foreign networks. Without it, you might rack up exorbitant roaming charges.
    • However, within your home country or when you’re in an area well-covered by your carrier, Data Roaming should typically remain disabled. Enabling it when unnecessary can lead to your iPhone trying to connect to other networks, potentially disrupting your usual network connection.
    • So, if you find Data Roaming turned on without reason, it’s a good idea to switch it off. This simple action might just be the key to resolving the Emergency SOS mode issue and getting your iPhone back on track. But if it doesn’t do the trick, don’t worry – we’ve got more troubleshooting steps ahead.

#3. Update Carrier Settings

  • Step 1: Explore how to check for Carrier Settings updates.
    • Ensuring that your iPhone’s carrier settings are up to date is crucial for maintaining a smooth network connection. To begin, let’s check if there are any updates available.
    • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone, and then tap on “General.” Within the General settings, select “About.”
    • Here, you’ll see an option labeled “Carrier.” Tap on it, and your iPhone will check for available updates. If a carrier settings update is available, you’ll receive a notification.
  • Step 2: Explain how to perform the update.
    • When you receive the notification for a carrier settings update, tap “Update” to proceed. Your iPhone will then download and install the necessary updates.
    • It’s essential to follow through with the update process to ensure that your device’s connection to your carrier’s network remains optimized.
  • Highlight the importance of keeping these settings up to date:
    • Carrier settings updates are released by both Apple and your wireless carrier to improve your iPhone’s connection to the carrier’s network.
    • These updates can include essential fixes and enhancements that resolve issues like being stuck in Emergency SOS mode. Keeping your carrier settings up to date ensures that your iPhone can communicate effectively with your carrier’s network, preventing disruptions and network-related problems.
    • In summary, regularly checking for and performing carrier settings updates is a proactive way to maintain a reliable connection and reduce the chances of encountering network issues like Emergency SOS mode.
  • If your iPhone continues to display Emergency SOS mode, there are more troubleshooting steps to explore, so let’s keep moving forward.

#4. Restart Your iPhone

  • Step 1: Guide users on how to restart their iPhone.
    • Restarting your iPhone can often be the solution to various software-related issues, including being stuck in Emergency SOS mode. Here’s how to do it:
    • For iPhones with Face ID (iPhone X and later):
      • Simultaneously press and hold the side button and either volume button until the “Slide to Power Off” slider appears on the screen.
    • For iPhones without Face ID (iPhone 8 and earlier):
      • Just press and hold the power button (located on the top or right side) until the same “Slide to Power Off” slider appears.
    • Once the slider appears, swipe it from left to right to shut down your iPhone.
    • After your iPhone powers off completely, wait for about 15 to 30 seconds to ensure that all background processes are halted.
    • To power your iPhone back on, press and hold the power button (or side button) again until you see the Apple logo. Release the button, and your iPhone will start up.
Restart Your iPhone
iphone stuck in sos mode
  • Explain the potential software issue that a restart can resolve:
    • Sometimes, your iPhone’s operating system encounters minor glitches or hangs that can result in unusual behavior, like getting stuck in Emergency SOS mode.
    • A restart effectively clears out these temporary software hiccups. It’s like giving your iPhone a fresh start, allowing it to boot up from scratch and resolve any lingering issues.
    • So, if your iPhone’s persistent SOS mode is due to a software hiccup, this straightforward restart should help bring it back to normal operation. However, if the problem persists, don’t worry – we’ve got more troubleshooting steps to explore.

#5. Eject and Reseat SIM Card

  • Step 1: Discuss the importance of the SIM card.
    • The SIM card, or Subscriber Identity Module card, plays a pivotal role in your iPhone’s functionality. It’s essentially the key that connects your device to your carrier’s network. Ensuring that your SIM card is properly inserted and functioning is crucial for maintaining a reliable cellular connection.
    • Problems with the SIM card can lead to various network-related issues, including getting stuck in Emergency SOS mode. So, it’s important to give this little card some attention when troubleshooting.
  • Step 2: Explain how to eject and reseat the SIM card.
    • For iPhones with SIM card trays (most iPhone models):
      • You’ll typically find the SIM card tray on the side of your iPhone. To access it, you’ll need a SIM card ejector tool (often included with your iPhone) or a straightened paperclip if you don’t have the tool.
      • Insert the tool or paperclip into the small hole next to the SIM card tray and gently press. The tray should pop out slightly.
      • Carefully remove the SIM card tray, and if there’s a SIM card inside, take it out.
      • Inspect the SIM card for any visible damage, such as scratches or dents. Ensure it’s clean and not bent.
      • If the SIM card appears fine, place it back into the tray, aligning it with the designated notches or guides.
      • Reinsert the SIM card tray into your iPhone until it clicks into place.
    • For iPhones with eSIM (iPhone 11 and later):
      • iPhones with eSIMs don’t have physical SIM card trays. Instead, they rely on electronic SIM cards that are downloaded and activated directly on the device.
      • To manage eSIM settings, go to “Settings” > “Cellular” > “Cellular Plans.” Here, you can add, remove, or manage your eSIM profiles.
  • Offer alternatives for iPhones without SIM card trays:
    • For iPhones with eSIM support, you won’t have a physical SIM card to eject and reseat. Instead, ensure that your eSIM profiles are correctly set up and activated. You can do this through the “Cellular Plans” section in your iPhone’s settings.
    • In the rare case that you have an older iPhone model that doesn’t use a traditional SIM card tray or eSIM, but you’re experiencing SOS mode issues, it’s advisable to consult your carrier or visit an Apple Store for further assistance, as the problem may be more complex.
    • In most cases, addressing SIM card issues should help resolve network-related problems, but if your iPhone persists in Emergency SOS mode, we have more troubleshooting steps to explore.

#6. What If I Have eSIM?

  • iPhones equipped with eSIM technology offer a convenient and flexible way to manage your cellular plans. If you have an eSIM-supported iPhone (iPhone 11 and later), resolving Emergency SOS mode issues involves managing your eSIM settings effectively. Here’s how:
  • Managing eSIM Settings:
    • Step 1: Access Cellular Plans Settings:
      • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
      • Scroll down and tap on “Cellular.”
      • Under “Cellular Plans,” you’ll find a list of your active and available eSIM profiles.
    • Step 2: Ensure the Correct eSIM Profile is Active:
      • Check if the correct eSIM profile is currently active. If you’re not sure which one should be active, contact your wireless carrier for assistance.
      • To switch between eSIM profiles, simply tap on the one you want to activate. Your iPhone will prompt you to confirm the change.
      • Make sure to select the eSIM profile associated with your primary carrier.
    • Step 3: Restart Your iPhone:
      • After selecting the appropriate eSIM profile, perform a quick restart of your iPhone. This simple step can help ensure that the changes take effect.
    • Step 4: Check Network Connectivity:
      • Once your iPhone has restarted, check if your network connectivity has improved. Ensure that you’re no longer stuck in Emergency SOS mode.
  • Why eSIM Management Matters:
    • eSIMs provide the flexibility to switch between different carriers and cellular plans without needing a physical SIM card swap. However, if the wrong eSIM profile is active or if there’s a configuration issue, it can lead to network problems, including Emergency SOS mode.
    • By following these steps to manage your eSIM settings, you can ensure that your iPhone connects to the correct carrier and resolves any potential issues causing the SOS mode.
  • If, after managing your eSIM settings, you’re still encountering the Emergency SOS mode problem, don’t worry; we have more troubleshooting steps to explore.

#7. Update Your iPhone

  • Step 1: Guide users on checking for iOS updates.
    • Keeping your iPhone’s operating system up to date is essential for maintaining its performance and resolving various issues, including being stuck in Emergency SOS mode. Here’s how to check for updates:
    • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
    • Scroll down and tap on “General.”
    • Select “Software Update.” Your iPhone will then check for available updates.
  • Step 2: Explain the process of downloading and installing updates.
    • If an iOS update is available, you’ll see a notification with details about the update. Tap “Download and Install” to proceed.
    • Your iPhone will begin downloading the update. Make sure you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network and that your device has sufficient battery or is plugged in.
    • Once the download is complete, tap “Install” to begin the installation process. Your iPhone will restart as part of the update.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions, which may include entering your passcode and agreeing to terms and conditions.
    • Your iPhone will complete the installation, and after a few minutes, it will be updated to the latest iOS version.
  • Emphasize how updates can include crucial bug fixes:
    • iOS updates not only introduce new features but also contain important bug fixes and improvements. These bug fixes can address issues that might lead to your iPhone being stuck in Emergency SOS mode.
    • By regularly updating your iPhone’s operating system, you ensure that it’s equipped with the latest software enhancements and security patches, reducing the likelihood of encountering network-related problems.
    • In summary, staying on top of iOS updates is a proactive step to maintain the health and functionality of your iPhone. If the Emergency SOS mode issue persists, rest assured, we have more troubleshooting steps to explore.

#8. Check Configuration Profiles

  • Step 1: Help users locate configuration profiles on their iPhone.
    • Configuration profiles on your iPhone can sometimes lead to network issues, including Emergency SOS mode. To find them, follow these steps:
    • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
    • Scroll down and tap on “General.”
    • Look for “VPN & Device Management” or “Device Management” in the General settings.
    • Tap on this option to access your configuration profiles.
  • Step 2: Explain how to remove any problematic profiles.
    • If you find any configuration profiles listed, tap on them to review their details.
    • If you encounter any profiles that seem out of place or unfamiliar, especially if you’ve recently traveled, removing them is a prudent step. Simply tap “Remove Profile” or “Delete Profile.”
    • It’s crucial to be cautious with configuration profiles, as they can impact your device’s network settings. Only remove profiles that you are certain are unnecessary or problematic.
    • Personal Example: I once traveled abroad and installed a configuration profile to make my iPhone compatible with a local network. However, when I returned home, my phone’s network behaved erratically. It turned out the configuration profile was still active, causing network issues. Removing it fixed the problem.

#9. Reset Network Settings

Step 1: Guide users to reset network settings.

  • If you’ve tried all the previous steps and your iPhone is still stuck in Emergency SOS mode, it’s time for a more comprehensive action: resetting network settings. Here’s how:
  • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
  • Scroll down and tap on “General.”
  • Scroll further down and select “Reset.”
  • Choose “Reset Network Settings.”
  • Confirm your action by entering your device’s passcode if prompted.
  • This action will reset all network-related settings, including Wi-Fi, cellular, VPN, and Bluetooth. It essentially returns your network settings to their default state.
  • Please note that this will not erase your personal data or apps, but you will need to reconfigure Wi-Fi networks and other network-related settings afterward.
  • Resetting network settings can often resolve complex network issues, making it an important step in troubleshooting.

#10. Reach Out To Apple Or Your Carrier

If, after all the previous steps, your iPhone remains stuck in Emergency SOS mode, it’s time to reach out for professional assistance. Here’s why this step is crucial:

  • Starting with the wireless carrier: Your wireless carrier can assist with account-related issues that might be causing network problems. They can check your account’s status, confirm that there are no restrictions or suspensions, and ensure your device is correctly provisioned on their network.
  • Tips for effective communication: When contacting your carrier, be patient and provide specific details about your problem. Mention the steps you’ve already taken to troubleshoot. It’s also a good idea to inquire about any recent changes to your account.
  • Visiting an Apple store as a last resort: If your carrier confirms that your account is in good standing and you’ve followed all troubleshooting steps to no avail, consider visiting an Apple Store. While hardware issues are relatively rare, they can still be a factor in network problems.


In conclusion, resolving the frustrating issue of an iPhone Stuck in SOS Mode mode doesn’t have to be a daunting task. This article has guided you through a step-by-step process, ensuring you have the tools and knowledge to troubleshoot the problem effectively.

Our main goal throughout this guide has been to provide a conversational and user-friendly approach to help you get your iPhone back to its normal, fully functioning self. Remember, technology can be complex, but solutions should be simple.

If you’ve successfully resolved your iPhone’s SOS mode issue using these steps, we’d love to hear about your experience in the comments. And if you still have questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Your feedback and inquiries help us better assist our community, ensuring everyone can enjoy their iPhones without any SOS-related hiccups.

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